Ebook Where Daffodils Bloom Based on a True Story of Courage and Commitment During WWII edition by Leya Delray Religion Spirituality eBooks

By Kelley Salas on Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Ebook Where Daffodils Bloom Based on a True Story of Courage and Commitment During WWII edition by Leya Delray Religion Spirituality eBooks

Product details

  • File Size 2172 KB
  • Print Length 390 pages
  • Publisher Ink River Press (October 12, 2018)
  • Publication Date October 12, 2018
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English

Where Daffodils Bloom Based on a True Story of Courage and Commitment During WWII edition by Leya Delray Religion Spirituality eBooks Reviews

  • I couldn't put this book down! It was just so ... well, so amazing! I literally cannot wait for the next book the author puts out! I hope she writes another about WW2 - or something similar, at any rate. It was just. so. good.

    I think the writing style was part of it. It made sense, and was a great mix of fun and emotional (e.g. my kind of story).

    Another big part was the theme. It was, well, beautiful. I rarely see someone teach faith and trust (in God, in your husband, etc.) in such a clear, decisive manner - but without being too preachy. It was taught through the characters' characters, good and bad, their mannerisms, and what they did - as any good theme is! Forgiveness was also a big theme.

    One of my favorite characters was definitely the hero. He was just such a great guy! A Southern American who likes to have fun, to get AWOL to meet his lady fair, etc. I LOVED his devotion to Lily ... and his steadfastness ... and basically everything about him.

    I wasn't sure what to think about Lily at several points. She sometimes seemed rather selfish or petty - but I guess I wouldn't act any better if I were put through the situations she was. Probably worse, actually. ;) But in the end, I ended up liking her.

    Overall, the story was well-constructed, gripping, emotional, amusing, and a fantastic look into a real-life story that was frankly amazing! I loved all the little twists and turns and the deepness of the characters' development and just ... wow. Everything. Such a good story!

    Thanks for letting me read it, Leya! It was a huge blessing - and like I said, I was up until 4 AM with this book!

    ~Kellyn Roth, Reveries Reviews
  • One of the most delightful reads of this year--I enjoyed every bit of it. A fine tale of romance, broken ordinary lives, and steadfast commitment. Best of all it's based on a true WWII story, and the writing is top-notch quality!

    It's hard to put down, and is up there with other exceptionally compelling WWII books like "War In The Wasteland" by Douglas Bond and "Paris Underground" by Etta Shiber.
  • WWII era brought many U.S. military men and English bride stories! I loved the telling of this union. I live in a small Midwestern city in Illinois and went to school with two girls who had mums from England! My brother married a Scottish girl from Edinburgh while serving in the U.S. Air Force! My husband and I traveled to Edinburgh with my brother and Betty and spent two weeks with her family! I could relate!
  • This book was amazing. I loved learning so much about the two main characters, Lily and Fred. Their love story was so beautifully written. The details of how they met, fell in love, and tried so hard to finally get married showed their love and respect for each other. Even some of the smallest details were included one showed how much Fred cared for a young boy whose bicycle was broken and another showed how Lily had to make her decision that love was more important than money. The author did a fabulous job with her writing and the book was hard for me to put down. I highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to read a beautiful love story that withstood time, separation, and other conflicts along the way!
  • I like that the story is based on the real life of the couple involved and it is well written. However, I found it to be extremely depressing with far too much focus on Lily's "dream life" rather than the lovely life that was slowly unfolding right in front of her face. She had a real man that loved her more than life itself, and did everything with her in mind as his priority. Boo hoo that she had a mean drunk of a father. She had a strong, amazing mother and wonderful siblings. She made it through, but still constantly looked back and compared the "what if" rather than enjoying the beauty in front of her. Grrr. It grated on my nerves to the point of almost deleting it from my . I marched on to the end because Freddie was worth the wait! Lily and Freddie XXXOOO 4ever RIP
  • Leya Delray has captured not only the characters of this couple, but what the lives of those living in England during the war were like, down to each exquisite and painstakingly researched detail. This story will capture you and keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end.
  • I'm not a big fan of reading on , but my supply of books had run out. I'd been reading a lot of historical fiction and World War 2. I'm still not sure how this book caught my attention, but it did. Then I didn't get to reading it for another few weeks! I started it one afternoon and finished it after dinner.....loved the story Loved the characters nd it wasn't until I reached the end and saw photos that I realized it was a true story! That made it even more delightful! I won't see daffodils without thinking of my new 'friends'! I won't at anything more except READ IT.....you won't be disappointed!
  • This book made me laugh and cry, and fall in love with the characters. I had a hard time putting it down to do my housework. You can tell that the authoress put a lot of time into researching; the historical details are spot on. An amazingly well written story of love and commitment. Definitely one for the bookshelves, to be read over and over.